Saturday 19 February 2011

神の家族・Kami-no-Kazoku (God's Family) 2010

Every year Grace Toronto Japanese Church (GTJC) publishes a little booklet called Kami-no-Kazoku which means "God's Family."  It is a book of testimonies about God's faithfulness during the past year.  These testimonies are gathered from all past and present GTJC members and adherents.  We have been contributing to it for several years now.   The following are our contributions for the 2010 edition.

Luke's Testimony for 2009

“God's Work Done in God's Way Will Never Lack God's Supply”
—Hudson Taylor, Founder of OMF International
(Formerly the China Inland Mission)

I would like to open my reflections on the Year of Our Lord 2009 with a reference to an interview with Patrick Fung which took place at Urbana 2009 a few weeks ago. You can see the video clip of this interview at and I would highly recommend that you do so. Patrick Fung is the general director of OMF International, the mission to which my parents belong and the mission to which Yuko and I are applying in order to return to Japan as missionaries.

Patrick Fung is the first Chinese Director of OMF International. As the gentleman who interviewed him pointed out, we can now say that the mission field has become the mission leader. As is the case in many Chinese families, Patrick Fung was raised by his parents to pursue three core values: success, stability, and security. His mother always taught him that he must find a successful, stable career and then find a stable wife. So, typically, when Patrick Fung came of age he entered medical school, became a doctor, and married a doctor. However, something happened to Patrick Fung during his first year at medical school. He became a Christian. As he studied the Scriptures for the first time he made the startling discovery that “most if not all of the servants of God in the Bible never had a stable life—not Daniel, not Nehemiah, not Paul, and not even the good Doctor Luke.” But what Jesus has promised his disciples is that he will be with them always. Patrick Fung and his wife gave their life savings to their parents and went to Pakistan as missionaries. Patrick Fung's father could not understand why they would do such a thing and often said to them “you are doctors, you are supposed to be rich but you are poor.” May the Lord allow him someday to understand how rich they are in God's grace.

Last summer, Yuko and I left behind our stable life and set out on our own journey to become OMF missionaries. It is not easy. It is easy to doubt. Would it not have been better for us to pursue secular careers so that we could continue to support my parents and other missionaries? In an age when many Christians have never been taught to tithe to their local church, wouldn't it have made more sense for us to continue earning money so that we could give to our church? Are we really fit to be missionaries? Do we really have the gifts and talents to fulfil such a calling? It is easy to become discouraged and to lose confidence. But we know that it is not by accident that the Lord has opened our eyes to specific needs of the Church in Hokkaido and Aomori. We know that there is a reason he has laid on us a burden to devote our lives to teaching Christian parents in Aomori to lead their own families in daily worship and to learn sound doctrine so that they can instruct their own children in the deeper teachings of the Christian Faith. And we pray that the Lord will teach us during our time in Toronto to do God's work in God's way so that we may never lack God's supply.

It is a great blessing to be back at Grace Toronto Japanese Church. Pastor and Mrs. Murai, who left their stable, successful and secure lives in Japan many, many years ago in order to bring the gospel to Japanese expatriates in Canada are a true inspiration to us. And our thanks and gratitude go out to all those in the Body of Christ who have received a different calling, who have been called by God to work diligently in their secular careers and, in so doing, to support Christ's Church in its material needs.

Yuko's Testimony for 2009


エリオット 優子(Yuko Elliot



  • 風間浦村から大都会トロントへ
主人の外国人指導助手(JET Program/ ALT)としての勤務が2008年7月末日をもって任期満了となったのに伴い、5年間慣れ親しんだ青森県風間浦村から北海道当別町にある私の実家へ引っ越しました。そこで約1ヶ月半の夏休み/準備期間を経て、トロントへ引っ越しました。私達家族はスーツケースを7個と手荷物のみという、いわゆる「着の身着のまま状態」で、韓国経由でピアソン空港に降り立ちました。幼い二人の娘達も本当に一生懸命長旅に耐え、まさに家族全員で助け合って引っ越しを乗り切ることが出来たのも、神様の守りと導きがあったからこそだったと改めて思います。また、村井先生ご夫妻を始め、グレーストロント日本語教会の皆さんから、あたたかくそのお交わりの輪に加えていただきました。また、あらゆる面で、特に必要な物を調達する点で、本当に良くしていただき、私達家族は必要が全て満たされた中で、新しい生活をスタートすることが許されました。本当にグレーストロント日本語教会の皆さんおひとりお一人のお心づかいに感謝しています。

  • 私の永住権(Permanent Residence in Canada)取得

  • 第三子(男の子)が与えられたこと


聖歌201番 『キリストイエスをもといとして』

キリストイェスを基(もとい)として 打ち立てられし御(み)教会は 
  君が血をもて 買い給いし 花嫁たちの 集まりなり

言葉に色に違いあれど 御民(みたみ)の拝む 主一人なり
  一つに生まれ 一つに伸び 一つに食し 一つに生く

主の教会は試み受け 争いに会い 涙すとも
  その幻(まぼろし)を 主は嘉(よみ)して ついに勝利を 与え給わん

この世と天(あめ)に 別れ住めど 御民は清き神にありて
  共に交わり 共に待てり キリストイェスの 来る日をば

 『どうか、私たちのうちに働く力によって、私たちの願うところ、思うところのすべてを越えて豊かに施すことのできる方に、教会により、またキリスト・イエスにより、栄光が、世々にわたって、とこしえまでありますように。アーメン。』 エペソ3章20−21節