Thursday 1 September 2011

John Elliot - Notes from Iwate (Earthquake & Tsunami Relief)

The following are selected notes from correspondence from Luke's father:

At the end of July, I took Jo Fung with me to Ofunato. We delivered a number of tables (from Renee's cHurch in Hirosaki) and chairs (from a stockpile in Ofunato) to the community church in Miyako. There are 48 chairs in the truck.

At the end of July, Jo and I visited Mrs. S, a Chinese single mom of 2 for whom I made some chairs and tables in May. She was distressed at the small size of her temporary housing, so I made this bunk bed for her boys at the end of June. At her suggestion, I retrofitted it with a folding shelf for her to sleep beside her 5 year old. She had been sleeping on the floor, but it was too damp; apparently there is no insulation in the floor, which will make it interesting in the winter.

The temporary housing is very cramped. The only furniture is a folding table literally the size of a cafeteria tray, and this beautiful stand for the big sceen TV. Strange priorities among the planners.

In early August, on the way to Takayama, I stopped in Ofunato to make a deck for Mrs. S. Why do I make so many things for her family? Basically, because she asked for stuff when I offered- a little less enryou than her neighbours, apparently. But, when the neigbours saw the deck I made for her, and the smaller bench for the lady next door, everyone else decided to give enryou a rest. Trying to hang your laundry while standing on the sharp door rails, leaning out to reach the poles, is no fun. The bench lets you hang things easily (cost: about 1500 yen); if you opt for the deck (cost- about 3000 yen), you have a place to hang bedding, too.

It was a HOT day, so I set up with a canopy and folding bench and went to work on site. I was able to do 5 benches and 5 decks that day.